Christmas Knitting!

No, you haven’t jumped ahead to the end of October or worse, November. It’s still the middle of August. I head back to school this weekend (being a better blogger this summer…not so much). I have, nevertheless, commenced that task all knitters fear – Christmas knitting.

A fellow Knittitor inspired me to start thinking about Christmas knitting last month. I figured out who I needed presents for and looked up patterns relevant to their interests/preferences. I used a spreadsheet in Google Drive to organize everything, keeping track of the yarn type, needle size and yardage needed for each pattern. Once that was organized, my mom and I headed to Michaels for yarn (currently, I prefer Michaels to JoAnn’s). I still have a few people to figure out gifts for, but the major ones are already underway and some are already finished!

Christmas 2013

As you can see, only two of those projects haven’t been started yet. And it’s the middle of August. That means I have plenty of time for selfish knitting. Currently I have the following on needles for me:

Yep. Plenty of selfish knitting going on. Well, it’s back to packing. I’ll try to post an update before the end of the year…but no promises.

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