Author: Ann

Review Braindump

Since last updating this blog, I’ve now read all of Stormlight Archive and am making my way through Mistborn Era 2 (plus a few others). Here’s some braindump-y thoughts about my latest reads: Stormlight is amazing. Definitely my favorite Sanderson series sorry Mistborn Want more now, plz. I aspire to write like This is How […]

Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo

I love Leigh’s writing. I love her world building. As I’ve mentioned before, the Six of Crows books are my comfort books – I return to them time and time again when I’m feeling anxious or stressed. That being said, I don’t think Rule of Wolves is her best work. Something about it – especially the first […]

The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson

I’m apparently on a Sanderson kick lately watching his class, rereading The Final Empire. Which kind of pains me, because I’d love to be reading BIPOC and women authors rather then yet another white guy, but here we are. Because he is just that good. I loved all of the characters – honestly more than […]

These Violent Delights

This book had so much potential, but I never felt connected to these characters, especially Juliette and Roma. Lots of showing, not telling without really building the suspense of what happened to them before (is it because of how young they were? Probably). Some of the same issues I had with The Gilded Wolves, where […]

Brandon Sanderson’s Promise, Progress, and Reviewing

I started watching Brandon Sanderson’s lectures on writing science fiction and fantasy after seeing Kate Cavanaugh’s review video of the class. I highly recommend watching this series if you’re interested in writing of course, but also reviewing, mainly because it helped crystalize and identify a number of issues I’ve been having with some of my […]

The Gilded Wolves

I fucking love Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. They are my comfort books. I have been following all of the actors in the upcoming Netflix series since they were cast. So when I came across The Gilded Wolves (thanks Storygraph!), I was immediately intrigued, because of its similarities to Six of Crows. I love […]

Queen of Coin and Whispers

I was drawn to this book because it reminded me of one of my own story ideas (actually two of them – I’m a sucker for assassin characters and queens, apparently). While it was an entertaining read at the beginning, the world and characters felt flat and there was far more telling than showing and […]

Smudge Odette Olivia MacNamara 1999-2021

Smudge was born on approximately August 15, 1999, the second smallest of a litter of barn kittens. At the age of 6 weeks, too small to jump onto my bed at night, she and her calico sister Chip became my 8th birthday presents – but Smudge was always mine. She remained tiny throughout her life, […]

New Year’s Necessary Magic

I’m bad at New Year’s resolutions. While I’m very good at follow through in much of my life, big abstract ideas like resolutions (or blog posts…) can be difficult to focus on. So this year, I’m trying intentions? ideas? mindsets? idk, but let’s talk about it. I like to multitask. A lot. Like, half a […]

Camp NaNoWriMo!

Well, it’s that time again – time for Camp NaNoWriMo! For the uninitiated, Camp NaNoWriMo is a more “customizable” version of NaNoWriMo [National Novel Writing Month] that runs in April and *checks notes* July. I’ve tried it a couple of times in the past and…generally failed [see also: most November NaNoWriMos I’ve participated in]. April also isn’t the […]