Author: Ann

June 5

Date: June 5 Time: 2-9pm Hours: 7 Total Hours: 35 Today, I spent most of the afternoon and evening at Perry. I continued to help staff the reference desk. Today was the beginning of the observation study (I stated the incorrect dates in a few earlier posts), so I conducted all of the observations from 2:00 until 8:00. The […]

June 3

Date: June 3 Time: 11am-4pm Hours: 5 Total Hours: 28 Today, I worked at the reference desk with Peggy, who is in charge of adult programming. We discussed some of the differences between Perry and my library. I assisted several customers with locating library materials. I began experimenting with Analytics Station after getting the correct login information from Beth. […]

June 1

Date: June 1 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 23 Today, I worked on the reference desk with Brandon, including placing holds and locating materials for a patron. I continued to input surveys, as it was quiet, and began researching Analytics Station, an collection and circulation tool Beth requested assistance learning. I emailed the final patron map to Beth, as […]

May 31

Date: May 31 Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 20 Today, I cleaned up the Perry patron data spreadsheet and began using EasyMapMaker (the solution found yesterday) to create a map of the library’s 6,000+ cardholders. I also continued entering community surveys into SurveyMonkey. After entering over 80 surveys, I have noticed some trends that may influence the […]

May 30

Date: May 30 Time: 9am-5pm Hours: 8 Total Hours: 18 Today, I spent a full 8 hours at Perry. My morning of entering surveys began slowly, as SurveyMonkey’s website was down for around an hour. During this time, I found free stock images of libraries to be used in the redesign of Perry’s website. I also finished the […]

May 25

Date: May 25 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 10 Today, I continued observing at the reference desk. Sharon and I discussed the observation study and the strategic planning process. Beth had mentioned the possibility of using contextual inquiry as part of the study, so I spent time researching this form of ethnographic study. I continued inputting surveys and […]

May 24

Date: May 24 Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 7 Today I shadowed at the reference desk again, this time with head of Reference Sharon and tech specialist Brandon. Brandon is new to the library and working the reference desk, so Sharon reviewed a number of print reference resources, including Haines Directory for the County. Over the course of […]

May 23

Date: May 23 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 5 This morning, I spoke with Perry Public Library director Beth Hatch, who is also my supervisor for my practicum. We outlined my tasks and projects for the next few weeks: creating a location and action-based tally sheet for the observation study (June 12 – June 24) inputting paper community […]

May 22

Date: Monday, May 22  Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 2 Today was the first day of my Culminating Experience internship at Perry Public Library. It began with a quick tour of the library from full-time circulation clerk Therese. The library was very quiet and mostly empty this evening. The only program taking place was a ukulele club using […]

Let’s talk about YA…

Another day, another article criticizing YA. These seem to pop up with the same regularity as articles declaring that libraries are dead (they’re not). Today’s example is from Joe Nutt, “an educational consultant and author”. This article, entitled Why young-adult fiction is a dangerous fantasy (oh, god), decries the alleged role YA plays in “depriv[ing] […]