Yarn Discovery Tour 2014 & Christmas Knitting

My mom and I participated in the Northeast Ohio Yarn Discovery Tour, which is held September 5 – 20. We visited all 17 yarn stores on the tour and bought waaaaay too much yarn. (See my Yarn Discovery Stash tag on Rav here.) My mom also won the 10 shop prize basket. We’re probably past SABLE (Stash Aquisition Beyond Life Expectancy) at this point.

The past few days having been very productive for Christmas knitting. I planned out all the presents I’m making and finished four projects (for my stepsister, my dad, my stepmom and my mom – pictures forthcoming). I still have a bunch of stuffed animals to make for my cousins’ kids – aaaand I just realized I have nothing queued for my other cousin. Will work on that. I’m obviously not doing colorwork, as I had planned. It was just a little bit too daunting and was preventing me from actually going ahead with my Christmas knitting. All of my Christmas knitting projects are going to be made from stash yarn. I’m now rewarding myself with a little selfish knitting using some of my Yarn Discovery Tour yarn.

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