Chapter 5

I shadowed all three facets of Adult Services today – on the floor, on phones and in the AV room. Being on the floor is what everyone thinks about when they hear ‘reference librarian’: waiting for patrons’ questions behind a desk. Our hour on the floor was pretty slow – most of the patrons today just wanted study rooms, which have to be reserved and unlocked by library staff.

On phones, librarians are answering questions from outside the library. There are some…interesting ‘regulars’ on the phones. The questions on the phones vary from interlibrary loan requests to wanting to know what day an album was released. Like the floor, the phones were fairly quiet. Jen answered only 3 calls in an hour.

The non-children’s DVDs and audiobooks are in the AV room, which is on the ground floor of the library (the Adult collection takes up the entire second floor). One member of ASD staffs this room. Again, a pretty slow day. A former library employee came in to get some DVDs and we chatted for a while.

Still going well. Still enjoying it. Signing off until tomorrow.

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