July 17

Date: July 17

Time: 7-9pm

Hours: 2

Total Hours: 126.5

Today, I staffed the reference desk with Brandon. He has completed the majority of the homepage. I was able to help him resolve some of the functional and design issues. He, too, was able to figure out the RSS feed for displaying events on the site.

Beth, Brandon, and I also discussed the library’s use of space and computers. Currently, there is no space in the library where kids can play without worrying about their volume. Beth is interested in turning one of the meeting rooms into a playroom, but must find space elsewhere in the building for library programs and community meetings. One possibility is opening up the children’s storytime room to outside groups – currently, the room is rarely used in the evenings, when most adult programs and outside group meetings take place. Additionally, the children’s area has only two computers, preventing groups of kids from playing and working together on these computers. To avoid additional expense, some of the adult computers, as well as currently unused staff computers, could be redistributed to this area.

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