
Kent State University’s MLIS program requires the completion of a Culminating Experience. To fulfill this requirement, I completed a 150-hour internship at the Perry (OH) Public Library during the Summer 2017 semester.

Perry Public Library is small, rural library with a service population of just over 9,000. My supervisor for this internship was library director Beth Hatch. My faculty advisor was Mary Anne Nichols.


My Culminating Experience at Perry Public Library fulfilled the following objectives:

  • Discuss, observe, and participate in daily life at Perry Public Library, including reference services, circulation services, and programming.
  • Learn about the unique needs and challenges of a small, rural library.
  • Participate in Perry Public Library’s ongoing strategic planning process, including as a usability study observer.
  • Discuss, observe, and participate in computer and technology classes.
  • Discuss, observe, and participate in the selection and deselection (weeding) of materials for Perry Public Library.
  • Assist in developing a website and social media strategy


Projects included:

  • creating a location and action-based tally sheet for the observation study (June 5 – June 17)
  • inputting paper community surveys into SurveyMonkey
  • helping tech specialist Brandon with the website redesign
  • helping tech specialist Brandon with an inventory of the library’s technology
  • assisting Beth in learning Analytics Station
  • data visualization of Perry Public Library patrons
  • creation of marketing video for teen video game program