New Year’s Necessary Magic

I’m bad at New Year’s resolutions. While I’m very good at follow through in much of my life, big abstract ideas like resolutions (or blog posts…) can be difficult to focus on. So this year, I’m trying intentions? ideas? mindsets? idk, but let’s talk about it.

I like to multitask. A lot. Like, half a dozen browser tabs, watching something on YouTube or Netflix in split screen while browsing the rest of the internet type of multitasking.

I’m also an anxious person. Without the coping skills I’ve developed (and even sometimes with them), I could likely be formally diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety. And I should probably visit professionals about that, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Because my brain is very…loud with all those anxious thoughts, the flitting between tabs and videos and the rest of the internet only amplifies that.

So this year, I’m going to try (emphasis on try, sorry Yoda) to be more intentional. To focus on one thing at a time, so I don’t find myself in the middle of fifty things and have no idea of where I left my phone or La Croix. To get up and do that thing or write it down in my bullet journal instead of letting it take up residence in my (already very full brain).

This also means that I am going to be more aware of how and when I use social media too. I get most of my news from Twitter – which means my anxious, full, loud, brain gets invaded with all of the horrible stories and images that populate that particular social networking site. So I’ll look for other resources for news (still need to stay informed!). Social media has also become a mindless time suck, something I click on without thinking and somehow have five tabs open to Twitter in the same window and haven’t retained anything from the tweets I’ve already read…five times over.

Intentional means boundaries – including saying no. I have a hard time doing that, especially at work. I shoulder way too much of the work, which only leads to more anxiety spirals. And I need to be better to myself. So I’ll close with my mantra for this year (blatantly stolen from a Pinterest picture, which in turn is from another blog).

is a necessary magic.

draws a circle around you
with chalk
and says
i have given enough