Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo

I love Leigh’s writing. I love her world building. As I’ve mentioned before, the Six of Crows books are my comfort books – I return to them time and time again when I’m feeling anxious or stressed.

That being said, I don’t think Rule of Wolves is her best work. Something about it – especially the first third or so – felt incredibly disjointed. There are so many new settings and characters that are introduced in a manner that seems almost rushed. It didn’t seem as immersive as her previous works (especially Six of Crows) and even some of the side characters we love seemed a bit flat (I still don’t care about the Darkling, sorry fangirls). Parts of it seemed overly convenient, but there were also moments that took my breath away and lines I desperately wanted to highlight (but for once I was reading a physical copy).

That’s not to say I didn’t love it. I almost cried several times. I made strangled noises of glee when certain characters returned. I read a 600 page book in two and a half days like the height of the Harry Potter days. I think it’s a good finale, but I wanted more (and maybe we will get more?). Still four stars because…it’s Leigh Bardugo and she is the Queen.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Now I just have to last until April 23 when we get the Shadow and Bone TV series.