Tag: marketing

June 28

Date: June 28 Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 86.5 Today, I continued working on website content, as well as updating my previously-created marketing video with a new age group. Library websites have become an important access point for patrons, acting as a digital extension of the library building. The current website is trying too hard to provide everything […]

June 13

Date: June 13 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 53 Today, I staffed the reference desk. I completed the Rolling Video Games video, which is now displayed as part of the digital signage. I conducted the observation study for the first several hours and discussed the website with Brandon. I’ve begun building a WordPress prototype while he continues his […]

June 12

Date: June 12 Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 50 Today, I worked a little bit on the Rolling Video Games video and started really working on the library’s website. I scanned through Learning from Libraries That Use WordPress by Kyle M. L. Jones and Polly-Alida Farrington and began drawing a new sitemap and jotted down notes. I also discovered an […]

June 8

Date: June 8 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 43 Today, I worked the reference desk as usual. I continued to enter community surveys and conducted the morning’s observation study tallies. I worked on the Rolling Video Games video, creating a rough cut in iMovie as well as a presentation in PowerPoint that can be converted to video. My […]

June 7

Date: June 7 Time: 7-9pm Hours: 2 Total Hours: 40 Today, I continued entering community surveys into Survey Monkey. The trends I noted in a previous post remain the same.I also began working on the short commercial advertising the Rolling Video Games program for teens on July 13. In my (larger, suburban) library, a video like this would be […]