Tag: website

June 10

Date: June 10 Time: 11am-4pm Hours: 5 Total Hours: 48 Today, I worked the reference desk, continued entering community surveys, and conducted the day’s observations for the observation study. I also created a site map of Perry Public Library’s current website and identified broken or duplicate links. I began reorganizing these pages into a better order for the new […]

June 5

Date: June 5 Time: 2-9pm Hours: 7 Total Hours: 35 Today, I spent most of the afternoon and evening at Perry. I continued to help staff the reference desk. Today was the beginning of the observation study (I stated the incorrect dates in a few earlier posts), so I conducted all of the observations from 2:00 until 8:00. The […]

June 1

Date: June 1 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 23 Today, I worked on the reference desk with Brandon, including placing holds and locating materials for a patron. I continued to input surveys, as it was quiet, and began researching Analytics Station, an collection and circulation tool Beth requested assistance learning. I emailed the final patron map to Beth, as […]

May 23

Date: May 23 Time: 9am-12pm Hours: 3 Total Hours: 5 This morning, I spoke with Perry Public Library director Beth Hatch, who is also my supervisor for my practicum. We outlined my tasks and projects for the next few weeks: creating a location and action-based tally sheet for the observation study (June 12 – June 24) inputting paper community […]