Camp NaNoWriMo begins!

April 1 marks the beginning of first round of Camp NaNoWriMo for 2015. I wrote my first NaNoWriMo winner in November and I’m eager to get back into the kind of dedicated writing NaNo fosters.

This session, I am working on a fantasy novel (shocking, I know). In Camp NaNoWriMo, you are able to specify your word count – I’m aiming for 30,000 words rather than the traditional 50k. It’s entirely possible I will go beyond 30k, though. We shall see.

My novel is currently titled Lordling & Assassin, which might give you some ideas about the plot. Thora Roshani is a mercenary and assassin in her early twenties. She meets up with Callan, the second son of a lord, in the aftermath of a battle and agrees to lead him home for a sizable reward. It sounds like an easy job – but Thora and Callan soon find themselves fleeing Callan’s family home to save their lives. They must learn to work together to survive – and to free Callan’s home from the tyrannical Fior. I’m intentionally trying to mess with fantasy tropes a bit, or at least create more diverse characters. Thora is a powerful, but flawed woman of color. There’s a crotchety old lesbian couple who are active in the mercenary community.

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